Category Archives: General

polar vortex

weather’s been weird this year. more snow and ice from a few weeks ago, and although it wasn’t that bad, it was enough to close the schools and shut down traffic again. here are some belated pics from another snow day. pretty view of fresh fallen snow. “booty” the snowman, with a macaroni face and read more »

snow day

the US snowstorm from last week brought us an inch of snow too, enough for school to be closed for the day. this was our first snow of the season and so we eager to go out and play. lack of snow gear didn’t stop us though… plastic bags stuffed inside our shoes worked just read more »

duke gardens

a saturday morning stroll through the sarah p. duke gardens. there was a japanese garden with bamboo forests and japanese maple trees in their full fall colour glory. it was so pretty! the terrace gardens with its coi pond. so many colours!

fall leaves

fall in chapel hill is really beautiful. the peak of prettiness has now passed, but here are some pics from the last couple of weeks. outside our front door. yellow.


blowing bubbles never fails to entertain. her bubble-making kit (which by the way cost one whole dollar) includes a little pipe which she has mastered.

let’s take a walk

it was a beautiful day today to take a walk through campus and the franklin historic district. guess who’s visiting? the iconic unc old well historic homes in the area including the horace williams house pretty berry tree in its back yard

morning at the mall

after monday morning art class, we usually meander our way through our local mall. last week we found these happy balloons which reminded me of “up” and conveniently matched her shirt. lunch at chick-fil-a. who wouldn’t be happy with a hat and chicken nuggets?

miss mannequin

stopping by one of our favourite stores and acting silly.

festival of lights

on new year’s eve, we went to vandusen gardens to take in their wonderland of christmas lights. fun for all!

at the playground

found a nice playground on a sunny saturday. my OCD child telling me her hands were dirty. hang on! checking out the view.